Item transfers for .COM.BR and .ES

Why are you reducing the prices on the origins.habbo.COM.BR and origins.habbo.ES?

After the launch of Habbo Hotel: Origins we received lots of feedback from players on .COM.BR and .ES about credits and Habbo Club being unaffordable for them. After some consideration, we took the decision to reduce prices on those two hotels.

Why aren’t you reducing the prices on

We’ve decided to adjust the cost of credits on origins.habbo.ES and origins.habbo.COM.BR to better align with the average salary in Latin American countries. We don’t see the need to adjust prices on because the average salary is higher in those countries.

Why aren’t you reducing the prices on habbo.COM.BR and habbo.ES?

Origins is still in the early stages of development, and we have the opportunity to test different things out and make Habbo Hotel: Origins a completely different product to Habbo. 

Habbo’s hotels have got established, long running and healthy economies, and we don’t want to disrupt that.

Does the .COM account players transfer their items to keep all of its existing items?

Yes. If the .COM account had 1x HC Sofa, and they transferred their items from an account which also had 1x HC Sofa, after the transfer the .COM account would have 2x HC Sofas. If each account had 15 days of HC, after the transfer the .COM account would have 30 days of HC.

Do players in Spain and Portugal also get the discounted credits?

Yes, you get reduced prices if you are playing on origins.habbo.ES, or origins.habbo.COM.BR, regardless of where you are located.

Have you considered how players transferring their items from .COM.BR and .ES to .COM will affect the economy?

We will be monitoring the amount of people who want to transfer their items, but we do not anticipate a major disruption to the economies of those hotels.

Will this be the only opportunity for players to move their items from .ES or .COM.BR to .COM?


Is this a backdoor server merge?

No. We remain committed to having three separate communities, and this is an effort to bring new life and longevity to the .ES and .COM.BR Origins communities.

Will you add switchable Spanish and Portuguese localisations to .COM?

We’re not adding these languages in the immediate future, no.

What will happen to the Hobbas on the .ES and .COM.BR hotels?

Before we make any significant decisions related to Hobbas, we first want to see how many players decide to transfer from .ES and .COM.BR to .COM.

I want to transfer my habbo.ES or habbo.COM.BR account to another hotel, will you ever make that possible?

We do not plan to make this possible. It’s vitally important you understand that this item transfer option is for Origins only.

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